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Wood Construction Connectors 2024   C-C-2024
The 2024–2025 Wood Construction Connectors catalog (C-C-2024) is a comprehensive guide to our most recent innovations and product line expansions as well as our existing solutions for wood construction applications. An indispensable reference document for anyone planning a wood structure, it features product information, including applicable specification and installation instructions, for wood-to-wood, wood-to-masonry and wood-to-concrete structural connectors.Replaces C-C-2021. NOTE: C-C-2024 is effective through 12/31/2025.

S-C-INSTALL22 Installer’s Pocket Guide [Bilingual] / Guía de Bolsillo para el Instalador  S-C-INSTALL22
Designed specifically for installers, this guide uses detailed graphics and minimal text to visually explain how to install many of our key products. It fits nicely in a pocket for easy use in the field. In English and Spanish. Replaces S-C-INSTALL19.

Diseñado especificamente para los instaladores. Esta guía utiliza gráficos detallados con un texto mínimo para poder explicar visualmente cómo se instalan muchos de nuestros productos clave. Entra muy bien en el bolsillo (de la persona) para un uso fácil en la obra. En Inglés y Castellano. Reemplaza S-C-INSTALL19.
Catálogo de Conectores para la construcción en madera
(Wood Construction Connectors — in Spanish)
El C-C-2024SP es un catálogo de 371 páginas que incluye información sobre nuevos productos, así como cualquier especificación e instrucciones de instalación aplicables para conectores estructurales de madera a madera y de madera a concreto. La pieza incluye tablas de cargas nuevas y actualizadas y especificaciones de materiales.Reemplaza C-C-2021SP.
Connectors, Fasteners & Anchors for Mass Timber Construction  C-C-MASSTIMBER24
The C-C-MASSTIMBER24 is a 116-page catalog listing connectors and fasteners for mass timber construction solutions. Extensive product information and applications, illustrations and installation tips are featured. This is a NEW item.
C-CFS Connectors For Cold-Formed Steel Construction  C-CF-2023
The C-CF-2023 is a 244-page catalog for Connectors for Cold-Formed Steel Construction products and solutions. Extensive product information, illustrations, helpful-tips and solutions are listed in this catalog. Replaces C-CF-2020.
C-F-2023 Fastening Systems Catalog and Technical Guide   C-F-2023 & C-F-2023TECHSUP
The C-F-2023 is a 260-page product catalog including new product information as well as applicable specification and installation instructions for wood-to-wood, -metal and -engineered wood structural fasteners. This catalog also provides product information for Simpson Strong-Tie® deck products, as well as Quik Drive® auto-feed screw driving systems. The piece includes both new and updated product information and material specifications. The C-F-2023TECHSUP is a 244-page technical document featuring engineering data, illustrations, diagrams and tables for structural fasteners featured in the C-F-2023 Fastening Systems Catalog. Replaces C-F-2019. This is a NEW item.
C-F-2023 Fastening Systems  C-F-2023
The C-F-2023 is a 260-page product catalog including new product information as well as applicable specification and installation instructions for wood-to-wood, -metal and -engineered wood structural fasteners. This catalog also provides product information for Simpson Strong-Tie® deck products, as well as Quik Drive® auto-feed screw driving systems. The piece includes both new and updated product information and material specifications. NOTE: Technical information, including load tables, spacing diagrams and installation illustrations are now contained in the companion document: C-F-2023TECHSUP Technical Guide. Replaces C-F-2019.
C-F-2023TECHSUP Fastening Systems Technical Guide  C-F-2023TECHSUP
The C-F-2023TECHSUP is a 244-page technical document featuring engineering data, illustrations, diagrams and tables for structural fasteners featured in the C-F-2023 Fastening Systems Catalog. Replaces C-F-2023Techsup.
C-F-2023SP Sistemas de sujeción  C-F-2023SP
Catálogo que incluye información sobre productos nuevos y las instrucciones de instalación y especificaciones correspondientes para los sujetadores Simpson Strong-Tie® y los sistemas Quik Drive®. Reemplaza C-F-2019SP.
C-F-2023TECHSP Guía técnica de los sistemas de sujeción  C-F-2023TECHSP
El C-F-2023TECHSP es un documento técnico de 244 páginas que contiene información de ingeniería, ilustraciones, diagramas y tablas para los sujetadores estructurales que se incluyen en el C-F-2023SP Catááogo de sistemas de sujeción. Este es un elemento NUEVO. Reemplaza C-F-2019SP.

Anchoring, Fastening and Restoration Systems for Concrete and Masonry  C-A-2023
The C-A-2023 is a 252-page comprehensive products and information catalog for the Anchoring, Fastening and Restoration Systems products for Concrete and Masonry.Replaces C-A-2021.

Sistemas de Anclaje y Sujeción para Concreto y Mampostería (en Español)  C-A-2023SP
El C-A-2023SP es un catálogo completo de productos e información para los sistemas de anclaje, sujeción y restauración para concreto y mampostería. Reemplaza C-A-2021SP.
Product Guide: Anchoring & Fastening Systems S-A-PG22
The S-A-PG22 is a 228-page product guide, 4.875 x 8.25 in size, to be used as the primary selling tool for our adhesive anchors, mechanical anchors, direct fastening, carbide drill bits and restoration products for concrete and masonry. Replaces S-A-PG16.
Design Solutions
Deck Connection and Fastening Guide  F-DECKCODE22
A guide to recognizing deck deficiencies and building or retrofitting safer, longer-lasting outdoor decks, with 2018 IBC and IRC code-compliant solutions for using the latest connectors and fasteners. Replaces F-DECKCODE20.
Seismic Retrofit Guide  F-SEISRETRGD19
A seismic retrofit guide for homes with raised foundations. This guide helps homeowners understand how to inspect, evaluate and perform basic retrofit construction using Simpson Strong-Tie products.Replaces F-SEISRETRGD12R.
Code-Compliant Repair and Protection Guide  F-C-REPAIRPRO25
An easy-to-use guide illustrating requirements for the repair and protection of plumbing, HVAC and electrical utilities in various building codes, and what Simpson Strong-Tie products should be used. Replaces F-C-REPAIRPRO20.
Strong-Rod™ Systems Design Guide  F-L-SRS21
The F-L-SRS21 is a 76-page design guide explaining how to specify Strong-Rod anchor tiedown system for shearwall overturning restraint and uplift restraint systems for roofs. Replaces F-L-SRS18.
S-L-SRSINSTALL24 Strong-Rod® Systems Seismic and Wind Restraint Systems Installer’s Guide  The S-L-SRSINSTALL24
The S-L-SRSINSTALL24 is a 24-page flier describing the installation of the Strong-Rod® anchor tiedown systems for shearwall overturning restraint and uplift restraint for roofs.
C-L-SW24 Strong-Wall® Shearwalls  C-L-SW24
The C-L-SW24 is an 124-page catalog for the Strong-Wall® high-strength wood shearwall and the Steel Strong-Wall® shearwall. The piece includes product data, engineering design information, and installation and anchorage details. Replaces C-L-SW21.
Other Literature
S-C-OA24 Outdoor Accents® decorative hardware. Where great backyards begin.  S-C-OA24
A flier featuring the Outdoor Accents® decorative hardware line, with inspirational photos, product information and ideas for outdoor living construction. This is a NEW item.
S-HOMEPRJCTS18 Strong-Tie DIY - Projects for a strong and beautiful home  S-HOMEPRJCTS18
A booklet featuring practical and attractive DIY projects for home and yard using Simpson Strong-Tie connectors and fasteners, including Outdoor Accents®. Replaces S-HOMEPRJCTS14.

F-C-HWRCAG23 High Wind Guide  F-C-HWG23
The F-C-HWG23 is a 68-page guide to help Designers easily locate the most appropriate connectors for building in high-wind areas. Solutions and details are organized by framing condition, and products are listed in order of increasing capacity. This piece SUPERSEDES F-C-HWRCAG20.
Please visit the European websites for European catalogs:     
Wood Construction Connectors — Canadian Limit States Design  C-C-CAN2025
The C-C-CAN2025 is a 412-page catalogue including new product information as well as any applicable specification and installation instructions for wood-to-wood, wood-to-concrete and wood-to-masonry structural connectors. The piece includes both new and updated load tables and material specifications. This piece SUPERSEDES C-C-CAN2022.

Connecteurs Pour Constructions En Bois — Conception Aux États Limites Canadiens  C-C-CAN2022CF
Un catalogue complet sur les produits et les applications, y compris de l'information sur l'installation et les tableaux de charge pour les connecteurs bois-à-bois, bois-à-béton et bois-à-maçonnerie. Remplace C-C-CAN2020CF.

Strong-Rod™ Systems Seismic and Wind Anchor Tiedown System Guide  C-L-SRSCAN22
The C-L-SRSCAN22 is a 76-page Canadian limit states design catalogue for Strong-Rod Anchor Tiedown Systems. It includes product information, design methods, and pre-engineered runs using shrinkage compensation and other components. Replaces C-L-SRSCAN18.

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© Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc.